Haiti's Grande Colline: The Terra Incognita series examines remote, poorly known, and largely unexplored regions of Haiti to survey their biodiversity, in a country where almost no forests are left. In this first installment, a large and virtually unknown mountain range, the Chaîne de la Grande Colline, is revealed. A team made up of biologists, photographers, a film-maker, and a journalist, explore the Grande Colline in a helicopter expedition.
Haiti's Unnatural Floods: The nearly complete deforestation of Haiti has caused countless problems for the country, the people, and its biodiversity. One such problem is examined here: the effect on stream flow. It is shown that many floods and droughts in Haiti are caused by deforestation, because forests help retain rain water.
Cutting Haiti's Forests: The major environmental problem facing Haiti's biodiversity is explained, including footage of tree-cutting within a national park.
Saving Haiti's Frogs: Efforts are underway to save frogs and other species from a pending mass extinction being caused by deforestation.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
Caribnature Haiti Overview: Here we introduce the country and its people, and the unique biodiversity of Haiti. The severe pressures placed on the environment, especially from deforestation, are explained. Other essays on this site provide greater depth on all aspects.
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